Recent Changes

Posted by Gahan Willis on September 03, 2013

We are excited to announce a few changes in the Acebo business structure. While Jim Willis at the Spreckels office will continue to handle production, shipping, and inventory, as of September 4th, he will be handing off all customer-service functions to Acebo San Diego, an affiliate company owned and operated by his son Gahan Mikkelson Willis and daughter-in-law Patty Gonzalez. Patty and I will continue to work closely with founder Holly Mikkelson on new product development.  


We look forward to working with all of the interpreters and retailers who have made Acebo what it is over the years, and we’ve got some great things planned, so stay tuned. Also, we appreciate your patience and understanding during the transition period. We will do our best to make things as seamless as possible.




Gahan Willis


Acebo San Diego